How To Be Part Of The UNBC: Registrations And Participation
You can join the UNBC as a Participant, a Sponsor, or an Exhibitor.
1. Be a sponsor
Our sponsorship packages have been designed to give our partners value for money and a great return on investment. A company/organization can choose from the available sponsorship packages. A sponsorship package list has been attached for detailed information.
2. Register as a Participant
The participant fee (non-refundable) for individuals from abroad is €350 or $400. This fee covers:
o Airport pickup(Only for guests booked into the convention hotel) or Transport to and fro the field visits
o Dinner on the convention day
o VIP treatment at the convention after party
3. Register as an exhibitor
There is an opportunity for individuals and companies to exhibit at the convention. An exhibition stall is available at €200 or $250 per company/individual. Registered exhibitors will be listed in advance on the community websites ( & and in the program booklet provided to all attendees. The exhibition fee is separate from registration fees and the two cannot be substituted.
All registrations for participation, exhibition, and or sponsorship packages should be transferred to the Uganda Community in the Netherlands Bank accounts either in the Netherlands or Uganda
Netherlands Uganda
ING Bank - Netherlands Name: Uganda Community in the Netherlands (UCN) |
PostBank - Uganda Name: Uganda Community in the Netherlands (UCN) Housing Finance Bank - Uganda Name: Uganda Netherlands Business Convention (UNBC) |